2007 Advertising

We are pleased to accept ads to the IESSC Symposium booklet and /or  to the WRESSAA Specialty catalogue.  Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to highlight your business or showcase your kennel.  The Symposium booklet will be distributed to all Symposium attendees.  The Specialty Catalogue will be available for purchase -- $8  if pre-ordered  or $10 if purchased at the Show and is sure to become a collector's item.  Both the booklet and the catalogue will be printed on 8½" X 11" paper, in black & white.  The rates for advertising (below) are very reasonable. 


Full Page Ad $25
Half Page Ad $15
Quarter Page Ad
(no picture)

Business Card

Breeder's Registry $5
Scanning of Original picture $5/ picture

The booklet and catalogue will be re-produced electronically.  Any ad copy should be submitted ready for publication.  E-mail submission of advertising copy is preferred.  The catalogue will be reproduced electronically so any original photos sent with ad copy must be scanned. Scanning of original pictures $5 / picture. The Club does not accept responsibility for poor photocopy reproduction of advertising.

Deadline for submissions is Friday July 6, 2007.

Ad copy may be mailed to WRESSAA; GLPO Box 72101, GLPO 1600 - 90th Ave. S. W. Calgary, AB Canada T2V 5H9 or e-mailed to Anne Dorsay (preferred).

Thanks.  We look forward to hearing from you.  If you require further assistance, please contact the Ad Chair, Anne Dorsay.

Up Advertising Form

Copyright © 1997-2009  Lynn, Anne & Barb Dorsay, Bondir English Springer Spaniels for Wild Rose English Springer Spaniel Association of Alberta.
All Rights Reserved.
Last revised: January 03, 2009.