2007 Specialty

WRESSAA's 11th Specialty Show & Licensed Obedience Trial

Friday August 3rd & Sunday August 5th, 2007

Shouldice Athletic Park, Calgary Alberta

Schedule || Judges || Hospitality || Accommodations || Trophy Donations || Travel Info || Advertising || Committees || Benching || Premium List || || Fund Raising || || Results || 

WRESSAA is thrilled to be holding our 11th Specialty Show & 10th Obedience Trial in conjunction with the Alberta Kennel Club Shows August 3rd through August 6th, 2007 and the 5th International IESSC Symposium.  This is an indoor/outdoor show.  The shows will be held at Shouldice Athletic Park in Calgary Alberta.  Check out the flyer for the ShowPremium List.

Specialty Show:  Friday, August 3rd, 2007 (outdoors)
Obedience Trial:  Sunday, August 5th, 2007 (indoors)

There are five shows this weekend -- five Conformation Shows & five Obedience Trials for English Springer Spaniels.  In addition to the WRESSAA's Show & Trial:

Westwind Sporting Dog Specialty 

3 Alberta Kennel Club All-Breed Shows & 4 Obedience Trials (largest outdoor show in Canada). 

Two WRESSAA Supported Entries at Alberta Kennel Club Shows August 4th & 5th 

Breeder / Judges Marie Merchant and Annika Ultveit-Moe. 

4 CKC Agility Trials

CKC Hunt Tests for Sporting Spaniels (just outside of Calgary)


Thursday August 2nd, 2007
Westwind Sporting Dog Specialty begins with Non-Regular & Unofficial classes (Judge for these classes Sharon Derrick)
Premium List available at http://www.albertakennelclub.org/showtrials.html
Friday August 3rd, 2007
WRESSAA Specialty Show -- outdoors
Breeder / Judge:  Carol Callahan, USA
Show features:
Altered class
Conformation Junior Handling
Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes -- Breeder / Judge David Swartwood
Westwind Sporting Dog Specialty continues -- Regular classes
Judge:  Dorothy MacDonald
Alberta Kennel Club Licensed Obedience Trial
1st Evening of 5th IESSC Symposium
Saturday August 4th, 2007
WRESSAA Breed Booster at Alberta Kennel Club Show
Breeder / Judge Marie Merchant (Clanach), Australia
Best of Breed winner will be awarded IESSC Cup
Alberta Kennel Club All-Breed Show & Licensed Obedience Trial
Evelyn Kenny Kennel & Obedience Club 2 all-breed Obedience Trials
2nd Evening of 5th IESSC Symposium
Sunday August 5th, 2007
WRESSAA Licensed Obedience Trial -- indoors
Judge:  Carol Callahan
WRESSAA Breed Booster at Alberta Kennel Club Show
Breeder / Judge:  Annika Ultveit-Moe (Whisborne), Sweden
Best of Breed winner will be awarded IESSC Cup
Alberta Kennel Club All-Breed Show & Licensed Obedience Trial
4 All-Breed CKC Agility Trials, presented by Golden Retriever Club of Alberta

Please stay tuned for more details! (Back)


Specialty Show & Obedience Trial: Carol Callahan
Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes:  David Swartwood
Alberta Kennel Club Show -- for English Springer Spaniels:
Saturday -- Marie Merchant
Sunday -- Annika Ultveit-Moe
Monday -- Richard Beauchamp
Westwind Sporting Dog Specialty:
Dorothy MacDonald   (Back)


Stay tuned for details. (Back)


Hotels that accept dogs -- please check each individual hotel to verify their policy:
Inn on Crowchild; 5353 Crowchild Trail N.W., Calgary AB T3A 1W9
Phone: (403) 288-5353; Fax: (403) 286-8966
E-mail mailto:info@innoncrowchild.com 
Web site http://www.innoncrowchild.com/ 
Sandman Inn & Suites- Calgary West. 
Phone # 403-288-6033
Additional $20 / dog / per day fee added to room fee 
Blackfoot Inn; 5940 Blackfoot Trail SE, Calgary
Glenmore Inn; 2720 Glenmore Trail SE, Calgary
Holiday Inn Express; 2227 Banff Trail NW (at Hwy # 1), Calgary
Holiday Inn South; 4206 MacLeod Trail South, Calgary
Delta Hotel Calgary South; 135 Southland Dr. S.E., Calgary
See Alberta Kennel Club Premium List for more hotels. Alberta Kennel Club Web Site: http://www.albertakennelclub.org .
Camping is also available on the show site.  Stay tuned for details.  Please complete the form in the Premium List when it is posted.  (Back)

Travel Information: 


The following sites give information for traveling with your dogs to Canada from another country.  
for dogs coming into Canada: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/E/pub/cp/rc4105/rc4105-e.html#P023
Info on traveling to Canada:  http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/gtc/Visiting_Travelling_to_Canada-en.aspx
Regulations on importing a dog into Canada:  http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/anima/heasan/import/dogse.shtml
US Source for US travelers with links to other sites:  http://travel.state.gov/travel/tips/regional/regional_1170.html

Trophy Donations

The Wild Rose English Springer Spaniel Association of Alberta would be pleased to accept donations to our Trophy Fund. These cash donations make it possible to purchase the prizes. Become a Bronze ($1-$24.99), Silver ($25-$49.99), Gold ($50-$74.99) or Platinum ($75 Plus) Contributor!!
All cash donations will be gratefully acknowledged in our Show Catalogue.
All Trophy Donations must be received by July 6th 2007 in order to be acknowledged in the Show Catalogue.
You may make a donation through PayPal by using the donation button below.
If you would like to mail your donation, please send to:
 WRESSAA c/o PO Box 72101, GLPO, 1600-90 Avenue SW, Calgary AB T2V 5H9
We thank you in advance for your donation that helps to make our trophies possible.  Thanks!
For more information, please contact Anne & Barb Dorsay, the Trophy Chairs.  Thanks for your help!  (Back)

Advertising: (updated May 10, 2007)

WRESSAA will be producing a 8 1/2" X 11" show catalogue. Don't miss out on this keepsake.
For complete details please visit the Advertising Page:
Advertising may be ordered on-line through PayPal
Preferred method for sending ads is digital -- Ads may be e-mailed to the Catalogue Chair Anne Dorsay
All copy to be photocopy ready.  Advertising costs:
Full Page $25 (with photo)
Half Page $15 (with photo)
Quarter Page $10 (no photo)
Business Card $5
Breeder's Registry $5 (form for Breeder's Registry will be available in the Premium List or is available on the Advertising Form)
Scanning of Original Photo $5 / photo
Cheques for advertising to be made payable to WRESSAA
Advertising copy is to be sent  to:
Anne Dorsay
Deadline for all Ads Friday July 5, 2007
Catalogues available on a pre-order basis:  $8 if purchased in advance.  A limited number of copies will be available at the show for a cost of $10.  Pre-order to ensure you obtain this keepsake.  The form will be available soon in the premium list.  (Back)


Ribbons:  Mary Ann Dalton
Grounds:  Stu Gilmour
Trophies:  Anne & Barb Dorsay
Show Chairman:  Lynn Dorsay.
Draws:  Gloria Dalton
Silent Auction:  Anne Dorsay
Catalogues:  Anne Dorsay  (Back)

Benching: (updated May 10, 2007)

All Benching for this show is outdoors.  Grooming day tents may be set up on Thursday evening.  
WRESSAA has arranged a large tent (20' X 20') for benching on the Show Grounds. This area will be close to the rings and is available for the entire weekend. Space will be available by reservation on a first-come/first-serve basis. 
WRESSAA reserves the right to limit the allotted spaces. 
Exhibitors MUST supply their own power. Wooden platforms are required for generators. 
Generators are available for rental through Radar Rentals (http://www.radarsrentals.com/ ; 403-259-5150). 
Please see last pages of Premium List for form for reservation.


Premium List: (updated May 21, 2007)

Premium List (revised May 21, 2007). Please note that this is a PDF format document. (To download PDF documents get Adobe Reader.)

Entries Close Friday July 6, 2007 @ 9 p.m. MDT.

Entry Forms (posted May 19, 2007). Please note that this is a PDF format document. (To download PDF documents get Adobe Reader.)

For Premium Lists to the other shows visit:  http://albertakennelclub.org/showtrials.html 

On-Line Entries will be available through:  http://www.thedogshow.ca/ 

If you would like to request a hard copy, please contact the Show Chairman Lynn Dorsay or the Show Secretary Al-Sec Associates. 

Fund Raising: (updated May 10, 2007)

We are working on some exciting fund-raising events to help to raise funds for this show to help cover costs for the IESSC Symposium being held in conjunction with this show.  Please check out the details below:

Elephant Head Study Draw -- print of an original painting by Pat Kittridge (Ridgecroft)

Tickets are available through Club members or will be available at the show

Quilt Draw -- signed "rag style" quilt made by Cathy Barlow (Barcath/Tasmara)

Tickets are available through Club members or will be available at the show

Silent Auction -- In conjunction with the IESSC Symposium we will be holding a Silent Auction in order to raise funds for this exciting endeavour.

We plan to have items arranged in baskets, themed by items in the basket. We hope to receive donations of goods for this fund-raiser in order to make between 10 to 20 baskets. 

Plans call for at least 2 baskets to be auctioned on each night of the Symposium. The remaining baskets will be auctioned over the weekend in the Hospitality Tent for the Symposium / Show with the closing to be held on Sunday August 5th, 2007.

You may donate new or gently used item(s) for a basket or a complete basket. Individual items donated will be arranged into a themed basket. 

Some ideas for baskets: Coffee Basket; Wine Basket; Pasta Basket; Obedience Basket; Puppy Basket; Tea Basket; Canadiana Basket; Alberta Basket. Use your imagination! Look for sales to purchase items!

If you have an item or basket you would like to donate, please contact the Auction Chair, Anne Dorsay

Schedule || Judges || Hospitality || Accommodations || Trophy Donations || Travel Info || Advertising || Committees || Benching || Premium List ||  || Fund Raising || || Results || 



2007 Results ] [ 2007 Specialty ] 2007 Premium List ] 2007 Entry Forms ] 2007 Flyer ]

Copyright © 1997-2008  Lynn, Anne & Barb Dorsay, Bondir English Springer Spaniels for Wild Rose English Springer Spaniel Association of Alberta.
Last revised: February 23, 2008.