2004 Specialty Info

WRESSAA's 9th Specialty Show
& Licensed Obedience Trial & the ESSCC's 7th Annual Specialty Show & Trial

WRESSAA:  Friday July 30th & Saturday July 31st 2004
ESSCC:  Friday July 30th & Sunday August 1st, 2003

Calgary Alberta Canada

**Results** (NEW)

Schedule || Judges || Hospitality || Accommodations || Trophies || Advertising || Committees ||  Benching | |Fund Raising|| Premium List

WRESSAA is thrilled to be holding our 9th Specialty Show & Licensed Obedience Trial in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary Shows of the Alberta Kennel Club (AKC)  (3 All Breed Shows, 1 limited breed show (includes Sporting Group) & 4 Licensed Obedience Trials) & hosting the 7th Annual ESSCC National Specialty Show & Licensed Obedience Trial.  This is an indoor/outdoor show -- Obedience will be indoors, Conformation, Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes & Junior Handling will be outdoors.  The shows will be held at Shouldice Athletic Park, Calgary Alberta (16th Avenue & Home Road N.W.).


Schedule for Shows Now On-line (PDF Format) (NEW)

Thursday July 29, 2004
2 All-breed CKC Agility trials (by Golden Retriever Club of Canada) -- Special prizes for qualifying scores for English Springer Spaniels
Friday July 30, 2004
WRESSAA Obedience Trial -- indoors
ESSCC Obedience Trial -- indoors
Limited breed Conformation Show (includes all breeds in Group 1) (by Alberta Kennel Club)
Saturday July 31, 2004
WRESSAA Specialty Show (includes Altered Show & all regular/non-regular classes)
WRESSAA Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes
WRESSAA Junior Handling (conformation)
AKC All Breed Show & Licensed Obedience Trial
ESSCC Annual General Meeting -- on the show grounds
WRESSAA Pot-luck Dinner -- in conjunction with the ESSCC AGM, on the show grounds
Sunday August 1, 2004
ESSCC Specialty Show (includes Altered Show & all regular/non-regular classes)
ESSCC Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes
ESSCC Junior Handling (conformation)
AKC All Breed Show & Licensed Obedience Trial
Alberta Kennel Club 2 CKC All Breed Agility Trials
Junior Handling (at the All Breed Show)
ESSCC Awards Banquet Sunday evening
Location:  Inn on Crowchild;  5353 Crowchild Trail N.W., Calgary, AB, T3A 1W9; Phone:  (403) 288-5353; Fax:  (403) 286-8966; E-mailWeb site
$30/ticket -- Roast Beef buffet, also chicken, vegetables, salads, desserts, tea/coffee.  Limited tickets still available.
Monday August 2, 2004
AKC All Breed Show & Licensed Obedience Trial
Alberta Kennel Club CKC 2 All Breed Agility Trials -- special prizes for qualifying English Springer Spaniels
CKC Spaniel Hunt Test -- presented by Eastern Slopes Spaniel Association -- on grounds just north of Calgary
stay tuned for more details
for more information, please contact Wayne Brennen, Eastern Slopes Spaniel Association, Hunt Test Chairman
Tuesday August 3, 2004
CKC Spaniel Hunt Test -- presented by Eastern Slopes Spaniel Association -- on grounds just north of Calgary
for more information, please contact Wayne Brennen, Eastern Slopes Spaniel Association, Hunt Test Chairman

Please stay tuned for more details! (Back)


Specialty Show: Jerry Watson, USA
Licensed Obedience Trial: We regret that Harlowe Jahelka will be unable to judge and we are pleased to advise that Pamela Weaver, USA, will be judging his assignment.
WRESSAA Sweepstakes:  Karen Lee (Halwendan)
WRESSAA Junior Handling:  Karen Lee
Specialty Show:  Dr. Göran Bodegård, Sweden
due to the illness of Hans Lehtinen, Finland, Dr. Göran Bodegård, the moderator of the 2nd International English Springer Spaniel Symposium, will be the judge
ESSCC Licensed Obedience Trial:  We regret that Harlowe Jahelka will be unable to judge and we are pleased to advise that Pamela Weaver, USA, will be judging his assignment.
ESSCC Sweepstakes:  Carol Hathaway (Aspen)
ESSCC Junior Handling:  Carol Hathaway
Alberta Kennel Club:
Stay tuned (Back)


WRESSAA Pot-luck Dinner Saturday July 31, 2004  (on the show grounds) -- WRESSAA will provide cold cuts, beverages.  Please bring your favourite pot-luck item, coolers will be available at the show for storage
ESSCC Awards Banquet Sunday August 1, 2004 after the ESSCC Show @ Inn on Crowchild
Buffet meal -- includes salads, roast beef, chicken, dessert, coffee/tea; cost $30/person
Reservation form in premium list.
Hospitality for exhibitors will be available in the Specialty Show tent on Saturday & Sunday.  Stay tuned for more details. (Back)


Host Hotel -- Small block of rooms has been booked under "Springer Specialty" at Inn on Crowchild at rate of $95/night + tax until June 1st, 2004.  Please book early.
Inn on Crowchild:  5353 Crowchild Trail N.W., Calgary, AB, T3A 1W9; Phone:  (403) 288-5353; Fax:  (403) 286-8966; E-mailWeb site
ESSCC Awards Banquet will be held here on Sunday evening
Other hotel information is available in the Alberta Kennel Club Premium list.
Camping is available on the show site -- reservations are through the Alberta Kennel Club.  Cost $85.60 (or $107 for preferred parking inside fenced end zone, limited to 25 spaces).  (Back)


Trophy Appeal Letter (NEW).  Deadline for donations has been extended to July 15th, 2004.  Please check out the letter for a form for donations or complete the form in the Premium List.  Thanks for your help!!
The Wild Rose English Springer Spaniel Association of Alberta & the English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada would be pleased to accept donations to our Trophy Fund. These cash donations make it possible to provide the prizes. Become a Bronze ($1-$24.99), Silver ($25-$49.99), Gold ($50-$74.99) or Platinum ($75 Plus) Contributor!! All cash donations will be gratefully acknowledged in our Show Catalogue.  To make a trophy fund donation to either or both shows, please contact Anne & Barb Dorsay, the Trophy Chairs or complete the form in the premium list.  Thanks for your help!  (Back)


Catalogue Advertising Letter (NEW).  Deadline for ads has been extended to July 15th.  Please check out the letter for details on submissions.
WRESSAA will be producing a 8 1/2" X 11" combined show catalogue. Don't miss out on this keepsake.
All copy to be photocopy ready.  Advertising costs: 
$15 1/2 page
$10 Business Card
$5 Breeder's Registry
Catalogues available on a pre-order basis for a cost of $10 ($15 if purchased at the show).  Order form in premium list. (Back)


Ribbons:  Mary Ann Dalton
Grounds:  Stu Gilmour
Trophies:  Anne & Barb Dorsay
Silent Auction:  Dodie Hall & Barb Hilchie
Catalogue Advertising:  Wendy Bessemer
Quilt Draw:  Cathy Barlow
Hospitality:  Anne Dorsay
Banquet:  Kathy Ronalds.  (Back)


This is an outdoor conformation show. There will be a 20' X 20' tent available for benching close to the rings.  Space will be available by reservation only.  Please complete the reservation form in the premium list.  If you need rental power, please indicate such on the form. (Back)

Fund Raising:

Please check out the details on the fund raising page about the quilt draw that WRESSAA is holding in order to help with expenses -- tickets are available by download or by request.
We will be holding a silent auction at the Show.  If you have an item you would like to donate, please contact the Silent Auction Chair. (Back)

Premium List:

The Premium List is now available on-line: *Revised May 18, 2004* (We regret that Harlowe Jahelka will be unable to judge and we are pleased to advise that Pamela Weaver, Oregon, USA,  will be judging his assignment.)

Premium List (PDF version, Download Adobe Reader to read)

Web-based Premium List

Microsoft Word Version

Entry Forms On-line:

Entry Forms (PDF Format, Download Adobe Reader to read)

Microsoft Word version

If you would like to request a hard copy, please contact the Show Chairman Lynn Dorsay or the Show Secretary Al-Sec Associates

Schedule || Judges || Hospitality || Trophies || Advertising || Committees ||  Benching | |Fund Raising| | Premium List


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Copyright © 1997-2009  Lynn, Anne & Barb Dorsay, Bondir English Springer Spaniels for Wild Rose English Springer Spaniel Association of Alberta.
Last revised: January 03, 2009.