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November 30, 2008 -- Calgary Kennel & Obedience Club Show
"Rosalie" Bondir's Rose de la Kermesse went Winner's Female & Best of Opposite Sex for 2 points.  Rosalie was breeder / owner handled by Lynn.  Rosalie now has 7 points.  The Judge for this win was Thomas Touzel of Canada.
December 1, 2008 -- Calgary Kennel & Obedience Club Show
"Gidget" Bondir's She Is The One for Me went Winners Female & Best of Opposite Sex for 2 more points.  She was beautifully handled by Lori-Ann Fisher.  Judge for this win was John Rowton of the USA. Gidget now has 9 points. 
October 2008 -- ESSFTA 2008 National Specialty Show
We had a great time at this show. Both "Gigi" Ch Bondir's Gamine Georgine RN & "Amber" A/C Ch Bondir's Fasciner Ambre PCD qualified in Rally Obedience at the National.  Amber not only qualified but got a 4th class placement.  Both girls were shown by Anne.
October 2008 -- Dallas Fort Worth ESS Specialty Show
We had a very good time at this show.  "Amber", A/C Ch Bondir's Fasciner Ambre PCD had fun in Sweepstakes in the 7-9 Veteran Female class & placed 4th in her class, under Breeder / Judge Teresa Patton. She then continued her success with a qualifying score in Rally Obedience -- her first appearance in Rally.  We were thrilled.  To top it off Gigi also qualified in Rally Obedience & in conjunction with her daughter "Rosalie" Bondir's Rose de la Kermesse they won the Conformation Brace class at the Specialty (Judge Elaine Mathis). 
September 1, 2008 -- Saskatoon Kennel & Obedience Club Show
We had a very good day at this show.  "Tommy", Bondir's Can You Hear Me won Winner's Male & Best of Winners for 2 more points towards his Canadian Championship.  He now has 7 points.  Tommy was beautifully shown by Shannon Scheer, CPHA.  Not to be outdone Tommy's sister "Rosalie" Bondir's Rose de la Kermesse went Winner's Female & Best of Opposite Sex for 2 points.  Rosalie was breeder / owner handled by Lynn.  Rosalie now has 5 points.  Both of these wins were under Judge Christopher Neilson, Canada.
August 30, 2008 -- Saskatoon Kennel & Obedience Club Show
"Gidget" Bondir's She Is The One For Me won Winner's Female, beautifully shown by Lori-Ann Fischer, for one more point towards her Canadian Championship.  Judge for this win was Donald Fitzsimmons of Canada.  Gidget now has 7 points (6 of which were breeder handled).
August 23 & 24, 2008 -- Cranbrook & District Kennel Club Show
"Gigi" Ch Bondir's Gamine Georgine RN  finished her Rally Novice title with a qualifying leg both days.  She finished her title with a High in Class under Judge Jeff Lunder.
August 23, 2008 -- Cranbrook & District Kennel Club Show
"Gidget" Bondir's She Is The One For Me won Winner's Female & Best of Opposite Sex under Judge Mr. Kari Jarvinen of Finland for two more points towards her Canadian Championship (she now has 6 points).  Gidget was breeder handled by Lynn to this win.
August 24, 2008 -- Cranbrook & District Kennel Club Show
"Tommy", Bondir's Can You Hear Me won Winner's Male for 1 more point towards his Canadian Championship.  He was beautifully shown by Shannon Scheer, CPHA.  Judge was Mr. Robert Bell of Australia.
August 4, 2008 -- Alberta Kennel Club Show
"Gigi" Ch Bondir's Gamine Georgine obtained the first leg on her Novice Agility Standard title with a 3rd class placement at the CKC trials at this show.
August 2, 2008 -- Alberta Kennel Club Show
"Victoria" became Ch Bondir's Baie d'Or Victorienne when she went Winner's Female / Best of Opposite Sex for 3 points under Judge Paula Hartinger of the US.  This win finished her Canadian Championship.  Victoria was shown to this win by Lori-Ann Fischer.
August 1, 2008 -- Westwind Sporting Dog Specialty
We had a very good day at this Specialty show.  "Tommy", Bondir's Can You Hear Me won Winner's Male at this Specialty under Judge Guy Spagnolo of Australia.  This win gives Tommy  2 more point towards his Canadian Championship.  He was beautifully shown by Shannon Scheer, CPHA.  Tommy's sister "Victoria", Bondir's Baie d'Or Victorienne, also had a great day under Australian Judge Guy Spagnolo.  She went Winner's Female & Best of Winners for a 3 point win.  Victoria was beautifully shown by handler Lori-Ann Fischer.
July 20, 2008 -- Portland Kennel Club Show
We received exciting news that "Victor" Bondir's Victorie en Vol owned by Kevin & Judy Griffith went Winner's Dog for a 5 point major at a Willamette Valley ESS Association supported entry (held in conjunction with their Specialty) under Judge Dr. William Zammitt of Australia.  Victor was owner handled to this win by Kevin.
July 13, 2008 -- Evelyn Kenny Kennel & Obedience Club Show
Liesl (now Ch Bondir's Jardin Lis) went Winners Female / Best of Opposite Sex / Best of Winners for a 3 point win to finish her Canadian Championship under Judge Mary B. White of Canada.  All of her points were from the Bred By Exhibitor Class shown by Lynn.  
July 11, 2008 -- Evelyn Kenny Kennel & Obedience Club Show
Liesl (Bondir's Jardin Lis) went Winners Female & Best of Opposite Sex for another 2 points under Judge Dr. Alvin Krause, USA.  Liesl was again shown by Lynn in the Bred by Exhibitor Class.
Gigi (Ch Bondir's Gamine Georgine) was entered in her first Rally Obedience Trial in Novice & obtained a qualifying score (Judge Lawrence Klassen) with Anne handling.  We hope to pursue her Novice title at future shows.
June 1, 2008 -- Northern Alberta Canine Association
Liesl (Bondir's Jardin Lis) went Winners Female & Best of Opposite Sex (over Specials) for 3 points under New Zealand Judge Rosemary Hubrich in a supported entry at the NACA Show in Edmonton.  Liesl now has 6 points.  She was breeder/owner handled by Lynn to Winners & by Anne to Best of Opposite Sex.
April 18, 2008 -- Edmonton Kennel Club Shows
Victoria (Bondir's Baie d'Or Victorienne) went Winners Female & Best of Opposite Sex for 2 more points under Judge Honey Glendinning.  Victoria was Breeder / Owner handled by Barb.  Victoria now has 4 points.
February 29th & March 2nd, 2008 -- Calgary Kennel & Obedience Club Show
We showed at 2 days of these shows. 
On the Friday (February 29th) Tommy (Bondir's Can You Hear Me) went Winners Dog for his second point under Judge Maida Puterman.  Tommy was breeder/handled by Lynn.
On the Sunday (March 2nd) Victoria (Bondir's Baie d'Or Victorienne) went Winners Female, Best of Winners & Best of Breed for 2 points, her first, under Breeder / Judge Cathy Barlow.  Victoria was breeder / owner handled by Anne.
December 1, 2007 -- Calgary Kennel & Obedience Club Show
We had a great day with a mom & her daughter & son, all breeder handled under Australian Judge Roger Bridgford. 
Gigi (Ch Bondir's Gamine Georgine) went Best of Breed breeder/owner handled by Lynn.
Tommy (Bondir's Can You Hear Me) went Winners Dog & Best of Opposite Sex for his first point.  Tommy was breeder/handled by Lynn to Winners & by Barb to Best of Opposite Sex.
Liesl (Bondir's Jardin Lis) went Winners Female & Best of Winners for 3 points, her first.  Liesl was breeder/owner handled by Lynn to Winners & by Anne to Best of Winners.
September 30-October 6, 2007 -- ESSFTA National Specialty
We had a great time at the Nationals.  Cally, placed 4th in both of the 11+ Veteran Female Sweeps & Regular class under judges Karen Miller & Jeanette McGinnis respectively.  We had fun showing in agility & showing 3 of the Canvas/Gigi puppies -- Liesl, Rosalie & Victoria.
August 4 & 5, 2007 -- Alberta Kennel Club Shows, WRESSAA Breed Boosters in association with IESSC Symposium
August 4, 2007
 -- Gigi (Ch Bondir's Gamine Georgine) went Best of Breed at the Breed Booster under Breeder/Judge Marie Merchant.  Gigi was breeder/owner handled by Lynn to this exciting win in a very large entry of English Springer Spaniels.
-- Victoria (Bondir's Baie d'Or Victorienne) went Reserve Winners Female from the Bred by Exhibitor class, breeder/owner handled by Anne.
August 5, 2007
-- Victor (Bondir's Victorie en Vol) went Reserve Winners Male at the WRESSAA Breed Booster under Breeder/Judge Annika Ultveit-Moe.  Victor was beautifully shown by his owner Kevin Griffith.
Victoria (Bondir's Baie d'Or Victorienne) went Reserve Winners Female from the Bred by Exhibitor class, breeder/owner handled by Anne.
August 3, 2007 -- Wild Rose English Springer Spaniel Association of Alberta Specialty
-- Cally (Ch Cascadian Caliner de Bondir A/C CD, AGI, AGNJS, NA, NAJ, NAP, NJP, NAC, NJC, ADC, TT)  won Best of Opposite Sex from the Veteran female class at 13+ years of age under Breeder/Judge Carol Callahan.  She was wonderfully handled by Shannon Scheer, CPHA & associates.  Cally also went Best in Veteran Sweepstakes from the 11+ Veteran female class under Breeder/Judge David Swartwood.
-- "Sara" (new Ch) Bondir's Flying Duchess A/C CD, NA went Winners Female at the Show under Breeder/Judge Carol Callahan to finish her Canadian championship -- at 10+ years of age.  She was beautifully shown by her owner Kevin Griffith.
July 14-15, 2007 -- Evelyn Kenny Kennel & Obedience Club Shows
July 14, 2007 
-- Rosalie
(Bondir's Rose de la Kermesse) went Winner's Female & Best of Winners for 3 points from the Bred by Exhibitor class under Judge Joyce Love, Canada.  Rosalie was breeder/owner handled by Lynn & these were her first points.
July 15, 2007
(Bondir's Jardin Lis) went Reserve Winners Female breeder/owner handled by Barb.
April 13-15, 2007 -- ESSCC National & Southern BC ESS Club Specialty
We had great fun at the Canadian Nationals held in Chilliwack BC.  First the puppies:
At the National Show in Sweepstakes Rosalie (Bondir's Rose de la Kermesse) placed 3rd in the 9-12 month female class (Judge Isla Allan).  The rest of the weekend she showed in the large Bred By Exhibitor class.  She & Lynn had fun.  (We did not enter the Southern BC Specialty Sweeps.)  
Liesl (Bondir's Jardin Lis), shown by Barb, placed 4th in both the Sweeps & Regular  9-12 month female class at the Nationals.  
Victoria (Bondir's Baie d'Or Victorienne) placed 3rd in the 9-12 month female class at the Nationals (Judge James Reynolds) & then at the Regional Specialty she won the class (Judge Jameson R. Glendinning) with Anne handling.
Victor, Bondir's Victorie En Vol, had fun showing in the 9-12 month male class -- he kept his owner Kevin moving!

The Adults:

"Sara" Bondir's Flying Duchess A/C CD, NA won Best of Opposite Sex at the Southern BC ESS Club Specialty from the Veteran Female class.  She was beautifully shown by her owner Kevin Griffith.
Although "Amber" A/C Ch Bondir's Fasciner Ambre PCD didn't make the trip to the show she was awarded the Best of Opposite Sex Springer of the Year for 2006 (Breed Level) at the ESSCC Social after the Nationals.
March 2-4, 2007 -- Calgary Kennel & Obedience Club Shows
We entered the puppies in their second show weekend.  At the Friday show, Victoria (Bondir's Baie d'Or Victorienne) won Reserve Winner's Female & Best Puppy in Breed (Judge Margaret Jones of Canada).  In the Saturday show Rosalie (Bondir's Rose de la Kermesse) went Reserve Winner's Female & Best Puppy in Breed (Judge John Ross of Canada).  In the Sunday Show Gidget (Bondir's She's The One For Me) won Reserve Winner's Female & Tommy, (Bondir's Can You Hear Me), in his first show of the weekend,  won Best Puppy in Breed (Judge Judith Shurb of Canada).
February 25, 2007
We attended an all-breed Match sponsored by the Canadian Professional Handlers' Association where Rosalie (Bondir's Rose de la Kermesse) won the breed & then went on to win a Group 4th.
February 2 - 4, 2007 -- Alberta Kennel Club Shows
We showed 5 of our Canvas/Gigi puppies at their first shows at the Alberta Kennel Club Shows in Calgary the first weekend in February.  We took turns showing the puppies & had 3 of them in each day.  On Friday at the shows, Liesl (Bondir's Jardin Lis) in her first show won the Junior Puppy Class (Barb handling) & then won Best Puppy in Breed under Judge Elena Spector of Argentina.
On Saturday at these shows, Rosalie (Bondir's Rose de la Kermesse) went one better than her sister.  She won Best Puppy in Breed & Reserve Winner's Female (from the Bred by class) with Lynn handling under Judge Christina Hubbell of the USA.
Also on Saturday Victoria (Bondir's Baie d'Or Victorienne) won the Junior Puppy Class (Anne handling).

Tommy (Bondir's Can You Hear Me) had his debut in the ring at the Sunday show.  He came 2nd in the Junior Puppy class.
Also on Sunday Gidget (Bondir's She's The One For Me) had a great time.  She went Winner's Female, then Best of Winners, then Best of Breed over 4 Specials for 4 points towards her Canadian Championship.  This was just her second day of showing & Lynn handled her to this win from the Junior Puppy class -- Judge Paul Stanton of Sweden.
October 9 - 14, 2006 -- ESSFTA 2006 National Specialty Show
Cally (Ch Cascadian Caliner de Bondir A/C CD, AGI, AGNJS, NA, NAJ, NAP, NJP, NAC, NJC, ADC, TT) qualifies with second class placements and perfect scores at both ESSFTA Agility Trials to complete her Novice Preferred Jumpers with Weaves title (NJP) at 12+ years of age.
Picture of Cally in ESSFTA Agility
Cally also places fourth in both the regular 11+ Veteran Female class under judge Houston Clark and in the 11+ Veteran Sweepstakes class under breeder/judge Dana Lodge.
Picture of Cally's 4th class placement under Houston Clark 
September 23, 2006
Amber (A/C Ch Bondir's Fasciner Ambre PCD) completes her American championship with a 5th major by going Best of Winners at the Helena Montana Kennel Club Show under judge Richard Byrd.  She was beautifully shown by Shannon Scheer, CPHA.
Picture of Amber completing her American Championship
August 4 - 7, 2006
Cally (Ch Cascadian Caliner de Bondir A/C CD, AGI, AGNJS, NA, NAJ, NAP, NAC, NJC, ADC, TT) wins Best of Breed (from the Veteran class) at the Westwinds Sporting Dog Specialty.  Cally is 12 years young & was beautifully shown by Shannon Scheer, CPHA.
Cally finishes her CKC Agility Novice Jumpers Select title with class placements in both trials at the Belgian Shepherd Club of Canada Agility trials.  She completes her great weekend with two more qualifying scores with 1st class placements at WRESSAA's first agility trials.
Minnie (Ch Bondir's Eminent Encore A/C CD, AGN, AGNJ, NAJ, TT) finishes two CKC agility titles in the weekend trials.  She completed her Agility Novice title with a class placement & received all three legs of her Agility Novice Jumpers title on the weekend -- two with class placements in the large 20" class.
July 14 - 16, 2006
Cally (Ch Cascadian Caliner de Bondir A/C CD, AGI, NA, NAJ, NAP, NAC, NJC, ADC, TT) wins Best of Opposite Sex at WRESSAA's 2006 Specialty Show from the Veteran Female class under judge W. Everett Dean.  Cally is 12 years young & was beautifully shown by Shannon Scheer, CPHA.
Gertie (new Ch Bondir's Irrepressible Gertie) finishes her Canadian Championship (completely breeder/owner handled) in style.  She won the Breed from the classes under Judge Sue Shrigley.  She also went Winners Female at the other two Evelyn Kenny Kennel & Obedience Club Shows on the weekend under judges Leslie Rogers & Steve Dainard.
Amber (Ch Bondir's Fasciner Ambre PCD) wins the breed at the WRESSAA Breed Booster under breeder/judge Steve Dainard.
June 3, 2006 & June 4, 2006
Cally (Ch Cascadian Caliner de Bondir A/C CD, AGI, NA, NAJ, NAP, NAC, NJC, ADC, TT) receives the first two legs of her CKC Selected Novice Jumpers with Weaves title (first set of trials in Alberta with these new classes offered) with 2 fourth class placements at the NACA trials in Edmonton.  Cally is 12 years young and had a blast!
Minnie (Ch Bondir's Eminent Encore A/C CD, NAJ) receives another qualifying score in Agility Novice with a 2nd class placement in the large 20" jump category.
Amber (Ch Bondir's Fasciner Ambre PCD) receives the first leg of her Novice Jumpers with Weaves title with a perfect 100 score.
October 1, 2005 & October 2, 2005
Gigi (Ch Bondir's Gamine Georgine) goes Reserve Winner's Bitch (to a 5 point major) from the Bred by Exhibitor class at the Monroe Kennel Club Show, Monroe Michigan under British breeder/judge Ray Smith (Melverly).  Check out her picture from this show.
Amber (Ch Bondir's Fasciner Ambre PCD) also had success at these shows (held in conjunction with the 2005 IESSC Symposium) -- she won the large Open Bitch class at both the October 1st, 2005 & October 2nd, 2005 shows (judge Kay Keely, Alhambra).  Check out her picture from the Saturday show.
Gertie (Bondir's Irrepressible Gertie) also made the trip by air from Calgary & placed 4th in the large Open bitch class at the Saturday show under Ray Smith.  Check out her picture from this show.
July 30, 2005
Gertie (Bondir's Irrepressible Gertie) goes Winner's Female from the Bred By Exhibitor class at the Wild Rose English Springer Spaniel Association of Alberta booster at the Alberta Kennel Club show under Finnish judge Raita Ritva.  Gertie now has 7 points.
July 15, 2005
Cally (Ch Cascadian Caliner de Bondir A/C CD, AGI, NA, NAJ, NAP, ADC, NAC, NAJ, TT) wins the Breed (from the Veterans class) at the English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada booster at the Westwind Sporting Dog Specialty under judge Frank Kane (United Kingdom).  Check out her win picture.
July 15, 2005
Gertie (Bondir's Irrepressible Gertie) goes Winner's Female/Best of Winners from the Bred By Exhibitor class at the English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada booster at the Westwind Sporting Dog Specialty under judge Frank Kane (United Kingdom) for another two points towards her Canadian championship.
June 24, 2005
Gigi (Ch Bondir's Gamine Georgine) goes Reserve Winner's Bitch to a major at Electric City Kennel Club show in Great Falls Montana (from the Bred-by-Exhibitor class).
May 2005
Cally (Ch Cascadian Caliner de Bondir A/C CD, AGI, NA, NAJ, NAP, ADC, NAC, NAJ, TT) wins the 11+ Veteran Bitch class at ESSFTA National Specialty in Sweeps & Regular classes & wins the 11+ Veteran Bitch class at Lake Erie Specialty Veteran Sweepstakes.
April 3, 2005
Gigi (Ch Bondir's Gamine Georgine) goes Best of Opposite Sex at Red Deer & District Kennel Club show under judge Merlin J. Van De Kinder of White Rock B.C.  This was Gigi's first foray in the Specials ring.
March 12, 2005
Gertie (Bondir's Irrepressible Gertie) goes Winner's Female from the Bred By Exhibitor class at the Calgary Kennel & Obedience Club Show under judge Edgar Bajona (Ontario) for another point towards her Canadian Championship -- she now has three points.
February 4, 2005
Gertie (Bondir's Irrepressible Gertie) goes Winner's Female from the 9-12 Month puppy class at the Alberta Kennel Club Show under judge Joe Tacker (California) for the first two points towards her Canadian Championship.
November 5, 2004
Gigi (Ch Bondir's Gamine Georgine) finishes her Canadian Championship at the Red Deer & District Kennel Club show by going Winner's Female/Best of Opposite Sex under judge Dr. Alvin Kraus.
July 31, 2004
Cally (Ch Cascadian Caliner de Bondir A/C CD, AGI, NA, NAJ, NAP, NAC, NJC, ADC, TT) wins Best In Specialty Show at WRESSAA Specialty Show the weekend of the Canadian Nationals (judge Jerry Watson).  Cally wins Best in Veteran Sweepstakes at WRESSAA Show (judge Karen Lee) from the 10+ Veteran Class.  Minnie (Ch Bondir's Eminent Encore A/C CD, NAJ, TT) wins the 7-9 Year Female Veteran Sweeps class.
July 30, 2004
Libby (Ch Bondir's et Tessera Deliberer A/C CD, AGI, SHD, NA, NAJ, NAC, NJC, TT) places 2nd in ESSCC National Obedience Trial in Veteran Obedience (judge Pam Weaver).
July 30 & 31, 2004
Sara (Bondir's Flying Duchess A/C CD, NA) goes Winner's Bitch both days at the Alberta Kennel Club all-breed shows for 5 more points towards her Canadian Championship.  Sara obtains her Canadian CD with 3 straight qualifying legs. On Saturday Sara's daughter Flightline's Pocket Rocket goes Best of Winners at WRESSAA Specialty to finish her Canadian Championship.  
June 2004
Amber (Ch Bondir's Fasciner Ambre PCD) goes Winner's Female/Best of Opposite Sex at shows in Montana for 3 more majors towards her American Championship -- she now has 4 majors & 14 points.
April 2004
Gigi (Bondir's Gamine Georgine) goes Winner's Female/ Best of Breed at Edmonton Kennel Club show in Edmonton for 2 more points toward her Canadian championship.
December 15, 2003
Libby (Ch Bondir's et Tessera Deliberer A/C CD, SHD, AGN, NA, NAJ, NAC, NJC, TT) obtains 1st leg of her CKC AGX title with a first class placement at an all-breed trial in Calgary.  Back to Top  

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Copyright © 1998-2009  Lynn, Anne & Barb Dorsay, Bondir English Springer Spaniels.
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Last revised: October 08, 2009.