Minnie's Page

Ch Bondir's Eminent Encore A/C CD AGN AGNJ RN NAJ TT

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(Am Ch Donahan's Morse Code CD ex Ch Bondir's et Tessera Deliberer  A/C CD, SHD, AGI, ROMX, NA, NAJ, NAC, NJC, TT)
whelped June 22, 1997
Photo by Mikron Photos




Health Clearances

Show & Activity Updates (updated October 2, 2009)


Minnie is a sweet, smart, funny 19" black & white girl.  She especially loved her mother "Libby", Ch Bondir's et Tessera Deliberer A/C CD, SHD, AGI, ROMX, NA, NAJ, NAC, NJC, TT, & she loves her daughter "Gertie" Ch Bondir's Irrepressible Gertie.  Minnie was born on June 22, 1997 and is named in honour of our great grand-mother.  For help and inspiration in choosing a name for your pet, visit 2000 Dog Names: Naming Your Puppy.

Minnie has had one litter of puppies, two black & white girls conceived by implantation of frozen semen -- born February 16, 2004. We kept one of the girls -- Gertie, Ch Bondir's Irrepressible Gertie. Minnie loves to compete in agility and has beautiful movement in the conformation ring.  (Back)

Health Clearances

OFA Good Hips
Eyes ACVO'd normal May 2008; May 2007; previously ACVO'd normal May 2005 & May 2006, re-CERF normal April 30, 2004  (previously CERF 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002 & 2003) (Back)

Show & Activity Updates

Minnie 2 Rally Novice legs ESSFTA Nationals 2009 with 4th class placementMinnie got another chance to have in fun in Rally at the 2009 ESSFTA Nationals in St. Louis in September.  She qualified in both trials & even got a 4th class placement (score 89) in the ESSFTA Trial on Friday September 11th, 2009.  She had a great time.

Minnie new Rally Novice title @ 12 years of age August 1, 2009.Minnie came out of retirement in July of 2009 & at the age of 12 & in 3 straight trials she obtained her Canadian Rally Novice (RN) title.  She got her first qualifying leg at one of the WRESSAA Boosters in conjunction with WRESSAA's 2009 Specialty at the EKKOC Show with a 3rd class placement with a score of 93 from the Novice B class & High Qualifying ESS in that trail.  She received her last two legs at the Alberta Kennel Club Show in trials on August 1st, 2009.  All legs were handled by Anne. Minnie had a great time & we look forward to the chance to do more rally.

Minnie completed her Canadian Championship (in 1999) completely breeder/owner handled.  In August of 2004, she won the 7-9 Year Veteran Female class at the Wild Rose English Springer Spaniel Association of Alberta's Specialty held in conjunction with the Canadian National weekend, under breeder judge Karen Lee.  She has competed in brace conformation with her mother "Libby" & has a number of exciting wins in brace -- including a Best in Show, Best in Group Specialty & Best in Specialty Show. She is pictured above winning Winner's Female at the Alberta Kennel Club Show August 1999 under judge Sandy Gunn.

In Obedience -- Minnie completed her Canadian CD in August of 2001 -- all legs with class placements.  In September of 2002, she completed her American CD - 3 trials; 3 qualifying scores including the 2002 ESSFTA National & 2002 PSESSA Specialty.  She is pictured below at the ESSFTA 2002 Nationals with her qualifying ribbons -- in Novice Obedience & in Novice Jumpers with Weaves Agility.

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In Agility -- Minnie completed her American NAJ in October of 2003 in trials in Montana with a class placement.  She also has her CKC Agility Novice title (AGN) with 2 firsts in class placements & her Agility Novice Jumpers (AGNJ) - all legs with class placements.  She also has a leg on her AKC NA. (Back)

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Copyright © 1997-2008 Lynn, Anne & Barb Dorsay, Bondir English Springer Spaniels.
All Rights Reserved.
Last revised: October 08, 2009.