Libby's Pictures

Below are some of our favourite pictures of Libby, Ch Bondir's et Tessera Deliberer A/C CD, SHD, AGI, NA, NAJ, NAC, NJC, TT, from birth to the present.  Check back for updates.

Please click on one of the pictures to open it in a larger size in a new window.

Libby @ 3 weeks

Libby with her
new litter

Libby poses at
the back door

Libby loves to travel
"Don't forget
to pack me!"

Libbypup.jpg (22857 bytes)

Mom.jpg (18036 bytes)

Libsit.jpg (18292 bytes)

Suitcase.jpg (27156 bytes)

Minnie & Libby win
Best Brace in Show

Libby loves agility!

10th Birthday Cake

Halloween 2004

Brace.jpg (21883 bytes)

Libtot.jpg (45597 bytes)

10thCake.JPG (31718 bytes)

Halloween04.JPG (34287 bytes)

At 2003 ESSFTA

Libby winning Breed
(her other side)

2003ESSFTAWeaves.JPG (67281 bytes)

LibbyBreed.JPG (18414 bytes)

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Copyright © 1997-2009 Lynn, Anne & Barb Dorsay, Bondir English Springer Spaniels.
All Rights Reserved.
Last revised: August 09, 2009 .