Candid Pictures of
Libby/Colours Puppies

3-4 weeks of age: click on  picture for larger view
Sienna relaxes Charcoal sleeps Puppies pile in kennel Sable sleeps

4-8 weeks of age: click on a picture for larger view
Copper helps with the puzzle!Charcoal poses while Russet falls out of bucket of toys!Amber sleeps surrounded by toys! Indigo plays with the ballSienna watches the toys

Playing with adult dogs:
Copper plays with Minnie on stairs Sable rests on couch with Mom & Minnie

Puppies as they grow-up:
Amber @ 2001 PALS Pet Walk MacSit.JPG (15423 bytes) Copper lounges in the garden @ 8 months of age

Newton & Emma look in!

Indigo wins first 3 points

Oliver poses @ 8 months

Webster @ 2001 U.S. Nationals (photo by Art Stewart)


Mac learns "sit"


Emma (on left) with pal Newton


(was Charcoal)

(was Sable)

More candid shots:

Ollie.JPG (37596 bytes)
Oliver (Ollie)
@ 9 months

Ollie carries his baby blanket
Check out Ollie on his family's page.

MacAndAmber.JPG (14401 bytes)
Mac & Amber relax on the couch

Copper9 months3.JPG (56694 bytes)
out Copper's own page
on his family's web site.

CopperSleeps.JPG (29728 bytes)
Copper sleeps

PreNovice.JPG (49704 bytes)
Amber & Webster Qualify in Obedience

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Copyright ©  2000 - 2009 Lynn, Anne & Barb Dorsay, Bondir English Springer Spaniels.
All rights reserved.
Last revised: January 03, 2009.